About Book Project

The High North Center, Nord University and the Belfer Center Arctic Initiative, Havard Kennedy School welcome proposals for case-based chapters for the book project “What it means to be resilient: lessons from the Arctic”. This ambitious book project aims at exploring stories and case studies of resilience in the Arctic context. Spearheaded by a team of Arctic researchers, this project seeks to delve into the unique ways Arctic communities, industries, projects, cities, supply chains, and organizations evolve, adapt, and thrive in the face of extreme conditions and dramatic climatic, environmental, economic, political, social, and technological changes. Researchers from diverse fields are invited to submit abstracts and proposals for the peer-reviewed book. Particular attention will be placed on including Indigenous researchers and knowledge holders in the project.

If you have an interesting case study or research that exemplifies Arctic resilience, we invite you to submit a proposal by October 10th, 2024, via this form.

By November 1st, 2024, the project team will evaluate the book chapter proposals and decide on cases/chapters to be included in the book. An application to an international publisher will be sent before the end of 2024. Further work with the chapters will proceed until final chapter submissions in September 2025. This assumes 2 rounds of peer reviews. The expected time of book publication is spring/summer 2026.